Hunting & Recreation
Waterfowl hunting is the main focus at Ozotiowe. However, members and their guests also have an opportunity to pursue snipe, doves, small furbearers, deer, and bear.
Hunting Access
Access to Ozotiowe's north and south side hunting units is available from Phillips County gravel roads and cooperative farmers' fields (with permission). Elevated trails are mowed into the pond levees to allow for ATV/UTV/foot access when the levees are not saturated and/or underwater. During periods of high water, boats must be used by members for access.
Pond Layout
North side of Big Creek: Ponds 1-3 are located in moist soil units filled with well water. Pond 6 is located inside the banks of Big Creek and offers huntable water during flood events. Pond 7 is located on the extreme NE side of Ozotiowe and is huntable during flood events.
South side of Big Creek: Pond 4 is a classic timber hole, huntable during flood events. Pond 5 is a moist soil pond filled with water pumped out of Big Creek.

Sport Dog Training
Ozotiowe was designed and built with the sport dog trainer in mind. Members are welcome to train at any time. Non-members are welcome from April 15 to August 15 to train their retrieving, flushing, and pointing dogs. Sport dog training will be restricted to the areas on the North side of Big Creek, and offers a variety of training conditions from uplands to ponds with islands. A nominal fee will be charged to no-members for sport dog training access (see "FAQ" section for additional information).