Welcome to
Ozotiowe Adventure Club
On Big Creek - Phillips County, Arkansas
Ducks...harbinger's of the morning sky, may they grace our skies forever.
-Blake Millar, Colusa, California
What is Ozotiowe?
For thousands of years, the Native Americans of Arkansas, the Quapaw, called the rich bottomlands amongst the trees they inhabited OZOTIOWE (o-zo-tee-o-we). This name was chosen to recognize the spirit of the Quapaw people of Arkansas.

Ozotiowe North Unit 2024

The Big Creek flyway is a prominent wintering area in Arkansas. Waterfowl also use Big Creek as a migration route as they fly the 15 miles from the nearby Mississippi River on the East, to the White River National Wildlife Refuge to the West.
Ozotiowe Adventure Club (Ozotiowe) offers 80 acres on both sides of Big Creek that blend seamlessly into the surrounding wetlands and cultivated fields of rice, soybeans, and corn. The combination of natural areas and cropland draw wildlife to the area year-round. Adaptive habitat management of Ozotiowe's moist soil, riparian, and forestry resources sets the stage for a quality outdoor experience at Ozotiowe.
Ozotiowe is a membership only private recreational club. A season long lease is negotiated with a single group allowing exclusive use of Ozotiowe for their members and guests. Alternatively, if a single group lease is not issued, a lease with three different groups (not to exceed 5 persons/group) is negotiated. Day shoots and sub-leases are not allowed at Ozotiowe. More information is available in the "Leasing & Membership" section herein.
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